About Danilo McGarry

At the young age of 6 my family and I moved to England, UK, my father was a businessman (English/Irish) and my mother was a jack of all trades (Brazilian/European mix). In England I attended school and learned English but while I could not speak the language I made friends through the wonderful game of Chess, where I would compete and win against peers that were twice my age and even adults. I learned English quickly and therefore integrated well into school and daily life. Living in London helped as it was and is still today a great metropolitan city full of cultures and different languages. I did well at school and was a well behaved kid, often preferring to spend time talking to adults than children of my own age. My passion was also riding my bike into the woods, it was my meditation where I would sometimes disappear for hours. My pillar for most of my childhood was my mother who would teach me the art of communication and understanding the world and people around me; this later became useful in my personal and business life where I would be known for creating fantastic teams that would create new ways of working and break records. From an early age I knew I was destined for more but I also knew that it would not be handed to me, that I would have to work incredibly hard and I was prepared to take on this challenge.

Climb to international recognition in Tech & Ai

During my teen years I became maniacally fascinated with technology, inspired by films such as Sword Fish I quickly understood that whoever conquers technology would become immensely useful to society and helping shape its destiny. I had my first ever "tech company" helping students sell their goods within our school eco-system. From that early stage I understood the importance of user experience, user interface (UX/UI) design, seamless customer experiences all backed by automation, straight through processing (STP) and integrated platforms. During University I worked for Motorola (at their height of phone and telecommunications leadership) and J.P Morgan where I further applied my skills at making processes smarter and more efficient. There I learned from some of the best in and around innovation and how to apply it to real life scenarios.

After graduating from Bath University (UK's no.1 business school) I went into banking (Canada's largest bank Royal Bank of Canada and CitiGroup one of the world's largest banks), again looking at how technology can improve efficiency and ways of working. From there I built a career that allowed me to lead global initiatives around automation, artificial intelligence, digital transformation and innovation that were 100's of millions in budget size. I also worked in leading Ai initiatives in Healthcare (at UHG, America's 5th largest company). For about a decade I broke some records around the use and scaling of technology in multiple industries.

My professional life took me to over 68 countries, where I also worked and lived in 3 different continents. Having this privileged access to work with many cultures helped me understand people better and is one of the key ingredients that I believe helped me become a compassionate leader. Throughout my career I was also an avid learner both on the job and academically, where this also lead me to study courses at Harvard University, Northwestern University and Yale University amongst others.

I then started my advisory and speaking career in order to share my knowledge around the world. Today I am ranked by different publications & analysts as top 20, 25 and 50 most influential people in Ai alongside CEO's and CTO's of OpenAi, Microsoft, IBM, Google, Amazon and Fortune 500, FTSE250 and other respected companies.

My life's mission

As one of the world's top 20 AI experts, I have the unique privilege of collaborating with global industry leaders and pioneering companies that are the driving forces behind our economies. This access also extends to cutting-edge research and technological innovations that only a select few are privy to. What I've observed is a staggering pace of technological advancement that promises to reshape our world in ways we can't yet fully comprehend. This seismic shift poses challenges, including the potential for widening social and economic inequalities until governments and societies adapt.

My life's work is dedicated to bridging this gap. Through my podcasts, social media channels, publications, and speaking engagements, I aim to democratize knowledge in the realms of AI, Generative AI, and General Artificial Intelligence. My goal is to empower as many people as possible with the understanding and tools they need to navigate this rapidly evolving landscape.



In value creation over 18 years achieved through pragmatic use of technologies such as Ai where I created new products & services.


Number of countries I have travelled and worked in, where I ended up living in 4 different countries throughout my career.


Number of keynote speeches delivered around the world, opening major technology events.


Every year I speak to over 150,000 people when I deliver keynote speeches around the world. Interacting with as many as I can, I love discussing how technology can make a real difference. 

"Danilo just delivered the best speech on Ai I have ever seen, truly eye opening and life changing"

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US Government)