Among the greatest in Ai today

but accessible to all

Unlike the CEOs of OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and other industry giants, I bring similar experiences in running some of America’s largest AI, Tech, and Digital programs. However, what sets me apart is my commitment to accessibility and democratizing knowledge. I make AI understandable and available to everyone by offering my insights at a fraction of the cost and frequently sharing free knowledge through newsletters, speeches, podcasts, and social media.
Having managed programs with budgets in the hundreds of millions at Fortune 500 and FTSE 250 companies, I’ve been both a leader and a hands-on contributor. From leading development teams to overseeing budget management and strategic planning, I’ve handled every aspect of major projects at some of the world’s largest companies.
Today, I’m represented by the same speaking agents as some of the most renowned figures in AI. This is a testament to the ladder I’ve climbed over the past decade through sheer hard work and dedication.

Services I offer

As a Tech and Ai expert I am on hand to offer businesses and individuals services such as speeches, workshops, advisory, NED, Board level positions as well as endorsements and PR for product, service launches that are in line with my missions - to provide access & knowledge to innovative tech to all & to keep pushing the boundaries of tech.


Danilo is a TED speaker and has been a keynote speaker opening some of the worlds biggest technology and leadership events for over 10 years. His largest live audience was 220,000 people for the Financial Times. Danilo has also organized workshops for senior management and wider company workshop too, where participants left invigorated with new life saving skills.


Danilo has for over 15 years been part of leadership teams as full time, board member, NED or an advisor. He has done this for private, public and government entities ranging from NASDAQ, Fortune 500 and FTSE100 to smaller family-owned businesses in several different industries and countries.


With a reach of millions, Danilo is able to help you launch important products and services through his social media and PR connections as well as influence in the tech world. Some of the world’s largest corporations have worked with Danilo on product and service announcements and rollout that were hyper successful.

My Speaker Showreel

Today I am ranked top 20 Ai & GenAi advisors and speakers in the world, sharing the same speaking agencies as Sam Altman (CEO OpenAi), Demis Hassabis (CEO DeepMind) and many other CEO's, CTO's and leaders from Google, Hugging Face, Microsoft, IBM, NVidia, Amazon, Facebook and other leading tech enabled organizations.

Speech Topics

With circa 20 years of experience in running some of the world's most respected Ai & tech programs I have a lot of practical real hands on experience, methodologies and advice to share. Below are speech topic areas I generally get asked to deliver. As a practitioner that has worked in several industries, I am able to demonstrate use cases and innovative ways how tech can be used to transform companies, if you have a particular area or niche you want me to talk about I can quickly adapt my knowledge to your topic and area of interest.

Ai & Generative Ai

All topics from strategy (how to roll it out and governance structure needed) to technical, ethical, cultural and practical considerations. Also create insights into how to revamp legacy products and services, how to cut cost and how to create new products and services with this technology. With the immense power and capabilities that is exponentially growing with GenAi and soon AGI every company is able to use this technology to take its operations, products and services to the next level.

Digital Transformation

To me transformation means real transformation, where a company looks physically different in the way it looks and operates. I can show you how to blend technologies, company culture and an execution approach to mix technologies such as Ai, Generative Ai, Blockchain, Cloud infrastructure, Workflow engines and execution rethinking to drive real tangible transformative change that often results in new products and services as well as improves Revenue and profitability.

Innovation & Future of Work

When designing your future as a company it is vitally important to consider both generational differences between groups in your workforce as well as how work is evolving. Considering this in your organization design and architecture helps you become future proof. I have helped several companies through such redesigns and have much to share that can help you greatly. Many forget that without the right culture and future of work planning no technology can reach its full potential.